update: August, 2024

Water Management

Project Dashboard

Project Progress


Achieved impact


Project Description

Kalangalo, like many remote communities, is struggling with a severe water crisis. At both individual and community levels, the only water source available is a spring located nearly 2 miles away in the forest. This poses risks to the community, especially children who face dangers like kidnapping and drowning due to the unsafe conditions surrounding the spring. The need to fetch water from afar also results in children missing out on education. Furthermore, without sufficient water, agricultural activities become impossible, exacerbating food insecurity due to poor or failed harvests caused by persistent drought conditions and lack of irrigation.


Health Risks: Contaminated water sources can lead to waterborne diseases and health issues within the community.
Economic Impacts: Insufficient water access hinders agricultural productivity, affecting livelihoods and economic stability.
Social Burdens: The burden of fetching water falls disproportionately on women and children, impacting their well -being and educational opportunities.


To address these challenges, a comprehensive water program needs to be developed for Kalangalo, in Mityana. This program should focus on gathering, storing, purifying, and distributing water efficiently among community members. One key initiative could involve digging a well in a suitable location within the community accessible to all residents. By implementing such a program, the target beneficiaries would be the entire community of Kalangalo in Mityana. This community exists out of over 150 households and in total approximately 900 people.


Creation of a well for the community of Kalangalo.
Although the priority for a well at the farmland is very high, we have concluded that the positive impact on the community of having their own well is so enormous, that this is our top priority. When sufficient funds are raised we will extend the scope to building an additional well at the farmland to substantialy increase productivity of the land.

Project Breakdown

Expected from Project Facilitator

Definition of "Done"

When clean streaming water is available for the community of Kalangalo and the captured knowledge made available through the online school.

Impact Assessment (work in progress)